Funding & Transaction

Developing Investment Theme

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Valuation & Business Modelling

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Corporate Restructuring

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Management & Technical Due Diligence Services

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Private Equity Investment

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Public Market (IPO/FPO) & Stakeholder Communications

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Fund Raising

  • Equity Funding Advisory for 25+ Cos, raising more than Rs. 1,000 crores

  • Debt Funding Advisory for 15+ Cos, raising more than Rs. 600 crores

  • Quasi-equity Funding Advisory including instruments like Debentures, FCCBs, Warrants, etc., raising more than Rs. 400 crores

  • Conducted M&A advisory which includes acquisition discussions for 10 Cos, selling of business/units for 10+ Cos, merger of 7+ Cos

  • Assisted in post-merger integration of 5+ Cos

  • Conducted post acquisition Productivity & Efficiency Exercises in various Cos, saving Rs. 400+ crores

Fund Raising Process

Transaction Advisory

  • Conducted technical diligences for various Funds for acquisition of stake in Cos including in Africa & SE Asia

  • Conducted commercial diligences for various Funds in acquisition of Food Cos

  • Conducted financial diligences (both vendor FDD as well as Buyer DD) for various Cos

  • Assisted in restructuring to simplify Corporate Structure in a Food Co.

  • Conducted FSSAI & Food Safety related diligences in various Cos

  • Conducted ESG Diligences including support for ISO certifications for OHSAS, Environment Management System, Energy Management System, etc.

  • Also mapped World Bank’s ESG requirements

Transaction Advisory Process